Credentialing Platform

The ISMPP CMPP™ Program functions under the leadership of the elected Certification Board.
The Board, which functions semi-autonomously and reports to the ISMPP Board of Trustees, is responsible for supporting the activities necessary to keep the program current and viable.
Support for the Certification Board is provided in part by two key committees: Credentialing and Recertification.
Credentialing Task Forces (open to ISMPP CMPP™s only)
The Credentialing Task Forces supports the strategic initiatives of the Certification Board at a tactical level. The implementation of specific tactics by members of the Credentialing Committee is directed and overseen by assigned members of the Certification Board.
Remits for 2022-2023:
- Undertake activities as required to develop and maintain the CMPP™ program, including marketing/promotion to attract new candidates as well as encouraging recertification among existing CMPP™s by either exam or continuing education credits
- Execute against remits issued by the Certification Board that are relevant to Credentialing Program development
- Continue ongoing development and implementation of the Mentorship Program designed to support new candidates
- Update credentialing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as needed
- Collaborate with Recertification Committee and Self-study Task Force, as needed, to develop metrics and identify activities for online continuing education credits
- Define, establish, and contribute to a CMPP™ facet to the overall ISMPP social media plan to support CMPP™ program objectives (eg, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)
- Review ISMPP Certification website pages and relevant materials to ensure information is up to date, complete, and accurate
- Collaborate with Recertification Committee as needed, to ensure alignment of all credentialing program activities
- Communicate Committee activities to society and other Committees via minutes/summary to be uploaded to the Committee Center after each meeting
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Recertification Committee (open to ISMPP CMPP™s only)
The Recertification Committee supports the strategic initiatives of the Certification Board at a tactical level, specifically focused on implementing and refining the Recertification program. The implementation of specific tactics by members of the Recertification Committee is directed and overseen by the Certification Board.
Remits for 2022-2023:
- Execute against remits issued by the Certification Board that are relevant to recertification for Credentialing Program development
- Qualify ISMPP and non-ISMPP courses and activities (including self-study) for recertification credits and assign credits consistent with Certification Board policy
- Provide updates to the Credentialing Director to ensure the list of qualifying courses/activities and credits for existing CMPP™s and candidates remains current
- Develop and maintain a slide deck for presentation to CMPP™s via WebEx (and post on ISMPP website) on an annual basis to educate CMPP™s on Recertification (eg, using the credit tracker, requirements, documentation, application)
- Review ISMPP Recertification website pages and relevant materials to ensure information is up to date, complete, and accurate
- Collaborate with Credentialing Director to ensure initiatives approved for credit are promoted through ISMPP channels
- Collaborate with Credentialing Committee and Self-study Task Force as needed
- Communicate Committee activities to society and other Committees via minutes/summary to be uploaded to the Committee Center
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